Lateral Flow Tests

Masks are back in theatres in the US
August 10, 2022
lateral Flow TestsPolicyBroadway show in New York becomes the first threatre to run mask-only nights. This shows the pandemic and the fear of the pandemic is not over. When will tehy be asking for a lateral flow test results before entry?
While this move is particalarly notable as the show's weekly mask-only evening will be on Fridays - one of the most popular nights in New York's theatre district.
Health vulnerabilities from fans have meant these fans have long called for theatres to host mask-only nights. The major theatres in London's West End have yet to introduce such a scheme. Producers said they scheduled the performances after some ticket buyers "expressed trepidation" about coming to see the show.
Where are we in the UK: The mask mandate was lifted in January, in line with a significant fall in Covid cases and deaths following the rollout of the vaccine.
Ir has become increasingly rare in recent months to see audience members wearing masks at the vast majority of West End performances.
in the US was much slower than the UK to do away with facemask rules.
Broadway theatres lifted the industry-wide mask mandate on 1 July, 6 months after teh UK. The two plays - The Minutes and American Buffalo - kept their mask requirements in place until they closed later that month.
The decision to offer mask-only performances of The Kite Runner means immunocompromised ticket buyers, or indeed anyone who is uncomfortable sitting in a mask-free environment, will be able to see the show. "There were a number of people, including friends, colleagues, even a doctor who had expressed some trepidation about attending our show, or any show, without a masked audience," The Kite Runner's lead producer Victoria Lang told The Hollywood Reporter.