Lateral Flow Tests

where to get the cheap lateral flow tests
July 26, 2022
lateral Flow TestsThe key to a pandemic is getting tests out quickly. While there is a lot of mis infomation out there. One thing people want to know is where to get the cheapest. We hae done a quick guide on how to get hold of cheap lateral flow tests. Rather than just where to buy them.
Cheap lateral flow tests are across the high street.
As we have previous done a short piece on UK suppliers. here is a piece on the low cost quality lateral flow tests available.
Assuming that one is not eligable for free lateral flow tests from the NHS. You can buy lateral flow tests from most supermarkets and UK pharmacies. It is better value to buy in bulk. With single tests can be up to 5 pounds a go. While most are around 2 pounds. Opt for a multi pack. This will save you at least 10p per test.
Typically the multi packs come in at £6 to £10 for a pack of 5.
Cheapest option: Wondfo 2019-nCoV antigen tests: 5 for £6 (£1.20 each), available at Asda
Step Ahead Covid-19 lateral flow tests: 5 for £9 (£1.80 each), available at Lloyd's Pharmacy
Boson Covid-19 lateral flow tests: 5 for £9.29 (£1.90 each), available at Well Pharmacy
FlowFlex lateral flow tests: 5 for £9.59 (£1.92 each), available at Superdrug
FlowFlex lateral flow tests: 5 for £9.80 (£1.96 each), available at Boots
here is quick reminder to see if you are eligable for free lateral flow tests.
have a health condition that means you’re eligible for Covid-19 treatments
are going into hospital work in the NHS or in adult social care.
Here is the debate on why lateral flow tests could or should be free.
While the medical profession is urging those who have not get vacinated. to do so.